Umpiring Roster

Welcome to Umpiring at Queenscliff for 2020


Manly Warringah Netball Association (MWNA) is made up of around 4,500 players. All the roles within the Association are volunteer roles, from the President through the Executive and across all Committees. Using Umpire Your Own, the responsibility of Umpiring has been placed firmly on the MWNA Clubs, from scheduling to development and all organisation regarding this.

MWNA have kept their fees lower than most other Associations as we operate as a Volunteer Association. Other Associations charge more and have paid contractors in roles such as these given the hours spent in the role each week.

If you know anyone interested in volunteering as the MWNA Umpiring Convenor please let us know.  The role of Umpires Convenor would require a volunteer who has 15-20 hours to give.  If anyone would like to put their hand up, MWNA would be very appreciative.


Umpire Your Own works when we all contribute to the process.  We are umpiring for our own Club members, so think of it as a service to your club.  The better our umpires, the better it is for our club members. In essence every Team will be responsible for providing an Umpire to the Roster for each round.  We ask that Queenscliff Netball Club Umpires are fair, firm and focused when Umpiring – for both Teams.

Teams are allocated to umpire for another team for the season.  You can find the Umpiring Allocation list in the Umpiring Resources tab.  Umpire names must be submitted by 8pm Thursday before the Saturday matches.  This allows time for any late/emergency changes that may occur.  Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the team to cover their umpiring duty each week.

We understand issues arise on the day however, please note, if you are unable to fulfil your duty, the team you are scheduled to umpire may suffer a loss by forfeit.

Please ensure you find a replacement who is capable of umpiring the age and grade.

Alternatively, access the paid pool of umpires to do your allocated match. Any payment to Umpires is direct, should take place prior to the Game and any agreement entered into between the “payee” ie. The Team / Individual and “paid umpire” is not the responsibility of the Queensliff Netball Club.

Should you have exhausted all avenues and cannot find a replacement umpire, please inform the QNC Umpires’ Convenor – Gill Fogarty – of the change i.e. name and contact details before 3pm Friday afternoon.

Email  and  text 0412 804 311. 

If we do not receive notification of change, we will assume allocations will take place as noted in the roster.


This Policy document has been drafted in conjunction with the MWNA 2019 Umpire Your Own Guidelines included in the MWNA Umpires Convenor Manual. In 2019 MWNA Council has resolved that the umpiring allocations will not be allocated neutrally but every Club will provide their own umpires on their Club games. Our Club has drafted the underneath guidelines to all teams and umpires to abide by.

  • Our Club will devise an umpiring roster within our Club structure. The roster will be based on a similar system to the neutral umpiring system used in previous years.  15’s, Cadets and Seniors must provide their own umpire.
  • Only one (1) umpire will be provided per Round. A standby umpire will also be required on occasion.
  • Each week confirmation of your umpire’s names will need to be confirmed with the Umpires Convenor by submitting via the sign up form by Thursday 8pm.
  • Every umpire must be a registered member of MWNA. MWNA Executive along with the Queenscliff Umpires Convenor reserves the right to remove an umpire who is not insured. Please have non players register for insurance purposes at NON PLAYERS REGO
  • Umpires are to be dressed in accordance with MWNA By-Laws. Registered Club uniform or whites/cream. Umpires wearing club uniform must wear a distinctive Bib or white T-shirt over the top of their Club uniform, so they stand out from the playing team. These would normally be provided by Queenscliff Netball Club however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, all umpires must provide their own – no sharing.
  • All umpires to provide their own whistle – no sharing due to COVID-19.
  • All umpires to be capable of umpiring that allocated age group and grade
  • All Umpires must check in at the Queenscliff tent 30mins prior to the allocated Game time. They must arrive at their rostered court at least 15mins prior to the start of the match. Checking in at the Queenscliff Tent before heading to the Court is vital and they must not go directly to their court, as court changes may occur.
  • If a Club allocated umpire does not show up for their duty, then the playing team will be responsible for providing an umpire for the game.
  • If an umpire has not been supplied, a forfeit can be claimed at one minute after the game’s commencement by the other Team.
  • Failure to check in 15 minutes prior to game time will result in stand-by umpires being allocated to the game.
    For the no-show Umpire this will result in additional umpiring allocation for their Team, in addition to financial penalties being allocated @ $40 per game to cover the cost of the standby Umpires.
    Failure to honour these penalties within a two (2) week window could result in de-registration for the player/s involved.
  • Umpires who have other roles on a Saturday (playing, coaching, mentoring, managing) may sign in for their game during an earlier timeslot to avoid racing between courts and the tent during games. These Umpires must still arrive at the appointed court 15 mins prior.
  • The umpire must check in personally for their duty. Parents and coaches are not permitted to check in for an umpire. (This allows the person on duty to physically see an umpire to ensure she is fit and well).
  • Any disputes during a Game are to be directed to our Club Umpires’ Convenor on 0412 804 311.
  • All Australia Netball rules must apply to all games: All umpires are to control the game for four (4) quarters and must not swap mid game unless for injury. Umpires must not score as well as umpire.
  • A forfeit is to be claimed if All Australia Netball rules are breached.
  • Team Managers are to advise the Umpires Convenor of any rostered umpire that does not fulfil their duty.
Queenscliff Netball Club